
(copy of work done in class)

A pedigree is a diagram of a family tree.  In genetics, pedigrees are used to help determine the genotypes of people.

Here are the rules for the symbols used in preparing a pedigree:


Example 1

Study the pedigree above and answer the following questions:

After you have found your answer, you can check it to see if you are right by clicking on the question marks "???".

1.  Who is affected by the hereditary condition?

2.  Who is Daniel's wife?

3.  Who is Ivy's sister?

4.  Who is Gail's cousin?

5.  Who are John's grandparents? 

6.  Who is Henry's uncle?

Example 2

Albinism is caused by a recessive gene.  Let's call the allele a and the allele for pigmented skin A

1..  What is the genotype of the woman in generation I? 

2.  How many children did she have?  How many boys? How many girls? 

3.  What are the genotypes of each of her children? 

4.  Were any of her grandchildren born albino (that is to say generation III)? 

5.  Based on the information shown for generations before and after, give the genotypes of the following people:

6.  What is the genotype of all the people in generation IV who have darkend shapes (who are affected?) 


Example 3

Night blindness is a dominant trait.  Individuals who are affected have trouble seeing in low light.  Let's call the allele N for night blindness and n for normal vision.

1.  What is the genotype of person 1?

2.  What is the genotype of person 5?

3.  Is it possible to know the genotype of person 8?

4.  What is the genotype of person 10?

5.  Could 13 be NN? Explain. 

6.  What is the genotype of person 15?